WorkingSpace - Mindfulness - Stress reduction

Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment. Although the approach originated in the ancient world it is increasingly being used in today's work and home environment to help people reduce stress, increase  concentration and improve communication.


The Mindful Way through Stress (four week course)  - available on line or in group settings


Email or phone 0797 9954165


This course  provides an excellent introduction to Mindfulness or a refresher to inspire your practice. The course is adapted from material developed by the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University. It is designed to help you learn new ways of handling stress which you can integrate into your daily life.

Through our  course we introduce simple techniques and exercises, some interactive, some reflective, to explore how we often respond to difficult situations. We introduce and practise simple mindfulness techniques in different contexts: in movement, meditation and, above all, as you go about every day life.


"With the aid of advanced brain scanning and technology, researchers are beginning to show that mindfulness directly affects the function and structure of the brain, changing it in ways that appear to increase attention span, sharpen focus and improve memory."  Lisa Takeuchi Cullen. Time Magazine 



Mindfulness training includes

  • What is Mindfulness - how does it work?
  • The link between Mindfulness and stress reduction
  • Exploring thought patterns - what helps and hinders?
  • Reacting and responding to complex situations
  • Practical Mindfulness techniques which can be used in every day life 

Who should attend?

The course is open to any one experiencing stress-who are feeling overwhelmed at times by emotions and thoughts caused by situations such as unemployment, work pressures, family responsibilities, difficult relationships and health problems.


How is the course structured?

The course is delivered in weekly sessions during which you will learn a range of mindfulness skills and have the chance to discuss your experience in the group. Home practice is an important part of the course and you will need to set aside 30- 60 minutes six days a week between the weekly classes. This is to help embed the new skills in your life. Audio CD's and written materials are provided to support your practice.


Benefits of the course - how will you know it’s working?

Research has shown that Mindfulness techniques when used regularly and effectively have contributed to a more relaxed and confident approach to life, greater energy and enjoyment both at home and at work.

As a result, training participants will be able to


  • Recognise their own stress triggers and know how to deal with them
  • Use Mindfulness techniques to help
  • Let go of unhelpful responses to difficult situations
  • Find ways to increase enjoyment in every day life

What do people say about Workingspace?

"A very interesting course and very good techniques. I plan to use the techniques at work and home."

" Understanding the stress cycle was very useful to spot my triggers. I would highly recommend this course."

" I found the course very useful for my life, practical and thought-provoking."

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